Tsunamis and Sunset

The kids and I walked down to Crescent Harbor this morning to see the unusual currents flowing in and out of the harbor mouth as a series of small tsunamis reached the shore. The largest water level change I noted was probably about a bit over 1 foot, but it was an impressive amount of water to move in the few minutes it took for the water level to change.

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Starrigavan and Sea Mart

Made a brief trip out the road today. Highlights include 4 Trumpeter Swans swimming up to the river’s edge at Starrigavan to see if we had any handouts. Also noticed 5 or more Gadwall – a fairly high number for Sitka in any season, but especially winter.

The view from Sea Mart’s parking lot can be pretty stunning – though it was fairly muted today. I suspect most people primarily think of the view to the west out over the sound with Mt. Edgecumbe rising above the lowlands of a distant Kruzof Island. While that is no doubt the more striking view, a look inland reveals Harbor Mountain looming above in a view that isn’t too shabby either.

This evening I took a photo of one of the moths we accumulated last summer/fall.

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