Closeup views of Ground Dogwood flowers.
Series: 2011 Photojournal
Red-throated Loons
Early in the 1900s Red-throated Loons were reported nesting on Swan Lake in multiple years. These days I suspect there’s too much traffic around for them to be comfortable. This pair was only around for one day, as far as I know, but I did enjoy seeing them while they were there.
Mystery Fungus
Pictures of a fungus collected at the recent bioblitz in Juneau. It so far has proved to be a stumper, with even experienced mycologists not recognizing it, despite it’s distinctive coarse hair-like appearance.
Rose Rust
Rust (Phragmidium sp) on rose plants in the neighborhood.
Swan Lake Ducks
Was interested to find a male Northern Pintail and a couple of male American Wigeons at Swan Lake today. My guess is they were probably failed/non-breeders (perhaps relatively young males?).