Verstovia – Peak 2550

View of islands in Sitka sound from Verstovia Trail

[originally written in a paper journal, subsequently published on my older site. Current (2014) commentary in [italics] ] Today was the first mostly sunny day in over a week, though there still were some clouds hanging around the tops of the mountains. I decided to go up Verstovia and hope that it was reasonably clear … Read more

Indian River Falls

[originally written in a paper journal, subsequently published on my older site. Current (2014) commentary in [italics] ] I went all the way up Indian River Trail to the falls today. It was raining lightly the entire way. This is the longest hike distance-wise for me so far this summer. However, it only took me … Read more

Indian River Trail to Old USGS Water Survey

[originally written in a paper journal, subsequently published on my older site. Current (2014) commentary in [italics] ] Things are much more damp today after the rains of yesterday. I hiked up Indian River Trail, but not very far. I went through the muskeg from the bench to the old USGS water survey. I took … Read more

Indian River Road and Trail

[originally written in paper journal and subsequently published on my older site] I am still a little tired from yesterday, so I decided to just go up the road behind the gravel pond off Indian River Road and then cut over to Indian River Trail. It must have been pretty dry here for the last … Read more

Gavan Hill To Harbor Mountain

[originally written in paper journal and subsequently published on my older site] This morning there was a low bank of clouds, but by noon it had burnt off. There is a picnic this evening on Harbor Mountain and I decided that I would hike to it. I am taking my time going up the hill. … Read more

Beaver Lake

[originally written in a field journal and subsequently published on my older site] There is a low cloud bank covering most of the mountains, though patches of blue sky offer hope that it will clear up later. A friend wanted to go out to Beaver lake, so we borrowed a car and dog and drove … Read more