
Saw a flock of robins on campus today. Looked like there 20 or 30 of them. I do not remember seeing any robins at all last winter. These are the first robins I have seen since summer. I wonder if they are migrating through or will be resident in the area this winter.

Dry October

It seems like it has been drier than normal all year, but this October has really been atypical. Certainly there have been some hard rains, but there have also been many clear sunny days. So far there has been just over 3 inches of rain this month. The average rainfall for October is over 13 … Read more

Migrating Geese

As we were walking on Saturday, we saw a fairly large flock of geese fly overhead. Later that night I heard more. Sunday evening we saw three geese feeding on a lawn near McDonalds. It was too dark to tell for sure, but I think they were Canadian geese.

First Day of Fall

Melissa said that today’s weather was fitting for the first day of fall. The wind was blowing and a cold rain was falling. Over the weekend some of the taller peaks had fresh snow on them. It appeared that the snow level was around 4600 feet. By yesterday the snow level had dropped to around … Read more

Late Summer Birds

It seemed like for most of the summer the small song birds were fairly quiet around the neighborhood. I have noticed that in the last couple of weeks I am hearing more calls from these birds again. My brother suggested that perhaps they were quiet while raising young and now they are out and about … Read more


For the last couple of weeks at least, we have noticed bats flying around our neighborhood. It is difficult to tell how many there might because of how quickly they fly and the relative lack of light, but I have seen at least three at one time. They are almost certainly a species of brown … Read more