The Woods were Crawling with Woodpeckers

Today I went for a walk and was able to observe Red-breasted Sapsuckers at very close range. Not only that, but there seemed to be a much larger number of them than is typical. I counted about a dozen of them from Sheldon Jackson College into Totem Park before I stopped paying close attention. I … Read more

Winter Robins

It was getting close to dark on this heavy overcast day and the bird seen here was staying near the tops of the trees. The poor light made it difficult for me to identify this bird at first. This difficulty was compounded by the fact that I was not really expecting to see a robin. … Read more

The Trees of the Forest

(Larger Version) Baranof Island is covered in temperate rainforest. What parts of Sitka that are not bounded by the sea are typically surrounded by forest slopes of the mountains of Baranof Island. The mature forest consists of Sitka Spruce, Western Hemlock, and Yellow Cedar, with Mountain Hemlock becoming dominant at higher elevations. The photo shows … Read more

Recent Weather

It’s been quite windy 2 of the last three days with plenty of rain to go along with it. During the brief breaks where the mountains are visible, it’s possible to see that the snow level has dropped a fair bit. It’s probably down to 3500 or so. It’s still not on the peak of … Read more

Migrating Geese

Last night we heard many geese flying over honking. After hearing some sound especially close, I went out to look and saw that it was mostly cloudy with a couple of breaks where the stars could be seen shining through. I did eventually hear some other geese, but they were quite distant. I wonder if … Read more