55F on a January evening is not unprecedented, but it’s certainly more typical of mid-summer than mid-winter. I’ll enjoy it while it lasts.
Appreciating the sound of the rain on the roof whi…
Appreciating the sound of the rain on the roof while settling in for sleep – also grateful for a warm and dry bed. #PayAttention #Gratitude
Checked out Starrigavan on 12.64 tide. Highest of…
Checked out Starrigavan on 12.64 tide. Highest of the year so far! (also one of the highest there will be all year) http://t.co/16GIL6PVHU
Immature Northern Goshawk @hpr rec spotted when sh…
Immature Northern Goshawk @HPR rec spotted when shorebirds flushed-a nice bird for first day of Christmas bird count week. #birdlanguage
Dryad’s Saddle (Polyporus squamosus)
Its large size, scaled cap, pores, and a few other features make Dryad’s Saddle (Polyporus squamosus) fairly distinctive. Mushroom Expert describes this species as “widespread east of the Rocky Mountains”, and the Northwest Key Council indicates it is found occasionally in the Pacific Northwest. I found this mushroom growing on a standing dead Cottonwood near … Read more
Small Phoenix (Ecliptopera silaceata)
Connor noticed this moth resting on the side of the house. I caught it and brought it inside to photograph. The larvae of this species are said to feed on fireweed. As this is the first time I have noticed this particular species, I do not know how common it is around here. It is … Read more