Dunlin and a Black-bellied Plover at Totem Park. Shorebird migration has started!
Cold morning, but no frost on windows-guess it has…
Cold morning, but no frost on windows-guess it has now dried out enough for the dew point to drop lower than the temperature.
Early Crocus-My dad’s garden notes have crocus blo…
Early Crocus-My dad’s garden notes have crocus blooming in same spot on 31Jan1985-but10F the next week was a killer. http://t.co/QkvM0Mtjkb
It’s been a warm January in Sitka. Trolling old re…
It’s been a warm January in Sitka. Trolling old records, 1981 was the last comparable year (even a bit warmer then) wunderground.com/history/airpor…
View from Picnic rock is nice. Feels pleasant at 2…
View from Picnic rock is nice. Feels pleasant at 2550ft. Wish I had thought to bring a thermometer to check temp. http://t.co/nHpYZSxOJH
On Verstovia trail. Should have known it would be…
On Verstovia trail. Should have known it would be warmer on hill than at home -but shortsleeve weather in January? http://t.co/hNaWMXTtr3