Snow, Birds, and Waves

It snowed a little last night, but not as much as had been forecast as a possibility. The forecast did mention the amounts could vary significantly depending on the path individual snow showers took, and it appeared none of the heavier snow showers hit town overnight. We spent a good chunk of the morning eating … Read more

Historic Merrill Photo Retake

Click and drag the vertical bar to see each image. Earlier this year I noticed a Merrill Print hanging in the Pioneer Home, and snapped a photo of it with my cellphone through the glass with the idea that I might be able to get a matching photo. I recognized the peaks, and knew roughly … Read more

Spring Flowers

After recent rains, it was nice to see some blue sky this morning. The clouds put up a fight throughout the day, with occasional sprinkles from some of the bigger clouds, but overall the trend was towards clearing. It was chilly this morning, and snow had fallen down to 3000 feet or below on the … Read more

Fog Mysteries

Photo from last night’s sunset No new photos from today, though had I not been already pushing my timing this morning on the way to class, I would have stopped to take pictures of some of the intricate wisps of clouds/lingering fog that were settled in against some of the mountains. I have often wondered … Read more

Rainy Day with Termination Dust

After no success yesterday when I tried to get a photo of the new snow on Bear Mountain (which I had seen reported on Facebook), I made another attempt today. Conditions were more variable, with large squalls moving through bringing heavy rain, but the sun also shown occasionally. Unfortunately, it was difficult to predict when … Read more

Migration and Weather

A few years ago I started watching the Biorka Island radar for signs of migration (my first post on the subject from back in 2009), and although I’ve not gone through and made careful notes, my sense of things is that we’re into a period of peak migration (that shows up on the radar, anyway) … Read more