Silver Bay on Leap Day

Over the past two or three weeks, I’ve been heading out the road to see if I could see the Gray-crowned Rosy-Finches that have been reported periodically. So far I had not had any success, but when I heard from KJ they were out there again late this morning, I didn’t wait too long to … Read more

Observing the Day at Crescent Harbor

Although the thermometer on the car said it was only 38F when I left the house for Crescent Harbor this morning, it felt fairly warm. The forecast called for wind and rain, but that seemed to stay off-shore, as it was no worse than a little breezy during the 8+ hours I was down at … Read more

Sandy Beach Waves

Yesterday ended up with over an inch of rain. However, today it let up, and the clouds thinned out a bit as the day went on. This afternoon I headed out into mostly cloudy skies with patchy sun breaking through. I got a report of 20+ Pine Grosbeaks over near SEARHC, but wasn’t able to … Read more

February Frost

It remained clear overnight and was frosty on the ground this morning. There was some nice feather frost on the car windows, but I didn’t have time to try for good pictures (needing to scrape windows and get to class), so I just grabbed some documentary shots with my phone. I was a little surprised … Read more

Japonski Island Winter Birds

I tried measuring temperatures again this morning and had more confusing results. I suspect part of the issue is the battery may not have enough power when it’s cold, so the thermometer becomes unreliable. Once again close to the ground measurements were warmer than just a bit above the ground, but this time it was … Read more