Daily Observations

I took a walk up Gavan Hill trail while Rowan was in preschool, then later in the day went through Totem Park with her. Weather: It was mostly cloudy but pretty warm, considering the spring. Temperatures got up into the mid 50s, at least. Winds were calm. Birds: At Swan Lake there was a female … Read more

Alders and Birds

I was outside today and noticed a sizable flock of small birds that I was not able to identify moving from alder to alder. They would flit about in the tops of the trees, but I was not sure what they might have been finding there. A little later I happened to walk back toward … Read more

Recent Observations

I have noticed that the crows seem to have become especially active around our neighborhood lately. I’m not sure what they are doing, though. The black cottonwood trees are releasing their cotton now. I did not think they were native to the island, but according to the reference books I have, they are. So far, … Read more

Spring Growth

It’s almost surprising how fast plants are producing new growth. This morning when I walked to work, it looked like the buds on the raspberry canes were just barely swelling open and by this afternoon there was an additional centimeter or so. The salmonberry blossoms are starting to open amongst the growing leaves when it … Read more

Winter Weather

For what seems like the first time this winter, the weather seems to be clear and fairly cold. Temperatures were in the 20’s last night, and they are supposed to get down into the teens tonight. It will be interesting to see how well the plants that have been showing signs of spring survive. By … Read more