Lichens and Birds on a Neighborhood Walk

Ring-necked Ducks

Overcast and warmer. Temperatures made it to the upper 40s. Light to moderate wind. Today’s outside time was an afternoon walk. I walked down Degroff Street. Along the way I stopped to make observations of multiple lichens on a rock that was part of a rock wall alongside the sidewalk. I’ve walked by this spot … Read more

Mummyberries (Monilinia)

Prompted by a request from Mary Willson for more information about a picture I took of Monilinia, I started to gather what I knew. It didn’t take long before I realized I would probably be better off just writing this post. Some Context and References Monilinia species can have a fairly involved life-cycle, including mummified … Read more

Sitka Birds 2023 Calendar

In an effort to share more of the pictures that sit on my hard drive unseen by anyone but me, I’ve created a monthly calendar featuring some of my favorite bird photos from 2022. This idea was conceived late in the season, and is a bit of an experiment for me. Rather than getting a … Read more

Keeping Your Head Still

I’ve long noticed that several kinds of birds stick their head forward when walking. (When I’ve tried to imitate a chicken or pigeon walking I would put my elbows back and stick my head forward before each step.) What I did not notice until this year was just how steady the head stays as the … Read more

Bird Photography Highlights of 2020

In 2020 I never was more than 20 miles from my house, and only travelled more than 15 miles away once. Within this space and time, I observed at least 155 species (based on ebird checklists), and was able to get photographs of 145 species, plus an additional 3 hybrids. These included three species (and … Read more