Sitka Nature Show #326 – Gavin McNichol

Cedar Decline

Featuring a conversation with Gavin McNichol, assistant professor at the University of Illinois Chicago. We discussed his work studying wetland soil biochemistry. He is currently starting a project in Sitka studying the impact of Yellow Cedar decline on microclimate and soil carbon.

Sitka Nature Show #325 – Lauren Wild

Gray Whales

Featuring a conversation with marine biologist Lauren Wild. Lauren shared about recent work to better understand how Gray Whales are utilizing Sitka Sound. This work began in response to increasing numbers beginning in 2018. She also discussed how Humpback Whales have been doing after lean years during the marine heat wave of a decade ago.

Sitka Nature Show #324 – Kari Sagel and Kitty LaBounty

African Violet Illustration

The September 22nd radio show featured Kari Sagel and Kitty LaBounty discussing their passion for drawing plants. Kari shared insights from her online Botanical Illustration course taken through the Royal Botanical Gardens of Edinburgh. Both highlighted how their illustrations deepened their understanding of plants, showcasing selected works during the conversation.

Sitka Nature Show #323 – Niki Sridhar

A conversation with Niki Sridhar, a PhD student at the University of Santa Cruz who has been doing field work for her research in Sitka. We discussed her research on sun stars (Pycnopodia helianthoides), their impact on sea urchin behavior, and implications for efforts to help restore and maintain kelp forest habitats.

Sitka Nature Show #322 – Kitty LaBounty

Featuring a conversation with Kitty Labounty. We talked about the transition to fall here in Sitka, and some of the things it brings. Among the gifts of fall is the peak of mushroom season in our area. Kitty shared about here interest in fungi, including practical uses and traveling to Fungus Fairs at different places.

Sitka Nature Show #321 – Patrick Webster

Featuring a conversation with Patrick Webster. He shared how a fascination with sea otters when young led to a career as a ship-based naturalist and underwater photographer. He is particularly passionate about inspiring appreciation for species that aren’t so often included among the charismatic megafauna.