Like the Night Sky

I don’t want to say too much about this photo, because I thought it might be fun to see if anyone can guess where it came from. I will say that I did alter the contrast dramatically, but the patterns were as I found them. Please feel free to guess in the comments!


A couple of weeks back I had stopped to watch for the Northern Mockingbird and before it showed up, noticed some interesting looking growths. It looked like an overgrown mold (the tallest structures were probably 4-5 cm), so I figured it must be some sort of mold-related fungus. After sending the pictures to a friend, … Read more

Bird Song Quiz

Download Bird Song Clip Walking along Lincoln Street earlier today, I heard a familiar song – the first I’ve heard this year. Something about it caught my attention enough that I stopped to try and record it. Unfortunately, it stopped singing so much, but I did get a bit of it between cars. I’m offering … Read more

Weather Quiz

Part 1: During which month of the year is Sitka least likely to have a clear day? During which month of the year is Sitka most likely to have a clear day? What about Clear/Mostly Sunny days? Part 2: During which month of the year is Sitka least likely to have a day without precipitation? … Read more