Bird Observations

Singing Song Sparrow (Melospiza melodia) Before I even got out of bed this morning, I heard a Northern Flicker calling. I first heard it in the distance, but it seemed to be moving gradually closer. I was flying from one tree to the next, stopping to make its “kwikwikwikwi” call for a few seconds before … Read more

Weather Observations

Skies were clear this morning when I got up. The carport thermometer said the temperature was in the upper 30s, but there were places with frost on the ground. There seemed to be a light breeze over the water, but I did not really notice it on shore. The sky was clear all the way … Read more


I learned the reason for all the deer droppings I have been seeing in the neighborhood the last couple of days. This morning when I was walking up the ‘shortcut’ from a short walk to Totem Park, I spotted two deer. They were definitely aware of me, looking over at me each time I moved, … Read more


It was mostly overcast throughout the day, but the sun started poking out in the late afternoon. Temperatures were in the 40s throughout the day, though it is now down to 38F according to the thermometer in our carport. I went for a walk this evening. There was nice light filtering through the broken overcast. … Read more

Little Things

Pixie Cup Lichen (Cladonia sp.) I find this a good time of year to go out and take a look at the little things. The light is coming back and the temperatures are warmer, but the larger vascular plants have yet to obscure the little things with their towering structures of stem and leaf. I … Read more