Daily Observations

After dropping Connor off at school this morning and making a quick stop by Swan Lake, I probably would have spent the rest of the day inside except Connor really wanted to go down to the park to see if the Ruddy Turnstone was still there. So he and I walked down to the end … Read more

Daily Observations

I did not get out at all today, but yesterday I went to Starrigavan to look for Stilt Sandpipers that had been seen over the last few days. I put my bike on the bus and was able to get a ride out the road to within a mile of Starrigavan, or so. That worked … Read more

Bear Mountain Flora (part 1)

A lush patch of Leatherleaf Saxifrage (Leptarrhena pyrolifolia) growing in a seep on a rocky slope. I ended up with so many different plants I wanted to mention (and show photographs of), that I decided to break up my comments and questions into more than one entry. In this first entry I will give an … Read more

Daily Observations

I stopped by Swan Lake briefly a couple of times today, then went for a walk to Totem Park with Connor and Rowan this afternoon. Weather: It was overcast throughout the day with a pretty good wind. It started raining this afternoon. Temperatures were in the lower-60s in the morning, but cooled off when the … Read more

Daily Observations

Rowan and I spent some time at Swan Lake today. Weather: It was partly cloudy and quite breezy today. Birds: There were two Northern Pintails at Swan Lake. A Green-winged Teal also flew in while we were there. Swallows were flying overhead at the lake, but all I could tell is they were not Tree … Read more