Kids Fishing and Yard Beetle
Connor and Rowan spent some time fishing for herring down at Crescent Harbor today.
On a Lifelong Journey to Learn my Place
Connor and Rowan spent some time fishing for herring down at Crescent Harbor today.
On a small island of trees at the bottom of the street we live on, there’s been a squirrel that Connor and Rowan have been paying some attention to. Though I am unsure of their reasoning, they have taken to calling it Hola, and most times we walk by, one of them will point him … Read more
On a walk through Totem Park this morning, Connor had some success getting close to the migrating shorebirds by slowly and carefully crawling towards where they were feeding (note the Least Sandpiper at the lower left of the photo above). Downtown later today I noticed a Brown-headed Cowbird looking around the landscaping bed in front … Read more
Connor is especially fond of fishing and has been asking about going for quite a while. I finally got around to purchasing a fishing license today with plans to get up early with Connor to go fishing early tomorrow morning, but it was a nice evening and Connor suggested we go this evening, so I … Read more
I had a couple of different ideas in mind for this week’s Wild Food Wednesday, but in the end (lack of) time and opportunity made the decision. We picked some Fireweed (Chamerion angustifolium) and Lady Fern (Athyrium filix-femina) fiddleheads. We probably would not have picked the fiddleheads, but Rowan insisted, and it turned out to … Read more