Recent Observations

Weather: It has been overcast with some rain over the last couple of days. There has been a little breeze, but not much. Each day has seen a brief period of sun, usually in the evening. Birds: Hermit and Swainson’s Thrushes are still singing frequently. I hear American Robins and Winter Wrens as well. I … Read more

Recent Observations

It has been difficult to maintain a schedule the last few days, so I have not kept up with daily observations. I have been trying to catch up on various projects, so I did not get out too much except on Wednesday when I went for a hike up Indian River valley to the muskeg … Read more

Daily Observations

I took a couple of people I know (a botanist and her husband) up to an interesting clearing I found sometime back in Indian River Valley. I was hoping to get some insight into why the place was different and what was growing there. It was a fairly wet trip, but informative for me. Weather: … Read more