Recent Observations

Flora: Many umbels are blooming, as are the fireweed and yarrow.  Most other plants are pretty much done blooming. The red huckleberries are ripe, though they are not all that abundant. The deer heart are starting to die back. I saw some ripe raspberries on Etolin Street.  We have one raspberry getting ripe in the backyard. … Read more

Daily Observations

After spending the better part of the day inside, I left for a walk in the late afternoon.  I went up to Indian River near the trail head then followed the river down to Totem Park.  The water was fairly high, so I could not walk the river, but I did try to stay near it. Weather:  There were only a couple of brief rain showers … Read more

Daily Observations

Weather:  There was a little bit of sun yesterday evening, but skies were overcast thoughout the day today.  Late afternoon the wind was blowing out of the southeast down at Totem Park and there was a light mist. Birds:  On my walk through the park, I saw three Spotted Sandpipers along the section of Indian … Read more

Daily Observations

With three tours, it was a busy day for work.  We went to Point Brown beach twice and to a beach in Nawkwasina once. Weather:  The rain was not constant, but when it fell, it seemed to come down in buckets.  Unfortunately, the time of the squalls seemed to coincide with times I was required … Read more

Slime Molds

Slime Molds are something I am not all that familiar with.  Until this year, I do not think I had noticed slime molds more than a handful of times. This summer I have noticed slime molds growing a few different places while on hikes, but never in the abundance and variety that I saw yesterday … Read more

Daily Observations

We went for a picnic with friends out to Starrigavan.  After eating, a group of us took a hike around Mosquito Cove trail.  This evening after church, we went to McDonalds with friends.  On the way home I stopped at Swan Lake to take a look, but I did not have my camera, so I … Read more