Daily Observations

I took a walk down to New Thompson Harbor today with a stop by Swan Lake on the way home. The folks in the harbor seemed especially friendly today, as a number of them stopped to visit for a bit. Weather: It was partly cloudy with winds picking up through the day. Winds were out … Read more

Daily Observations

This afternoon we went on an Allen Marine trip for a couple of hours. It was a little breezy, but there were plenty of whales out towards Vitskari. Weather: Another day of clear and chilly conditions. Winds were a little stronger. There was a pretty good breeze coming out of Silver Bay, it looked like. … Read more

Daily Observations

I made a couple of short trips outside today. I went to Swan Lake to look at the birds and then down to Sage Beach around sunset to check on the moon. Weather: Mostly sunny today. There was a pretty heavy frost last night, but it did not really seem to freeze the plants. I … Read more

Daily Observations

I went downtown today and spent some time at the Back Door. On my way back, I went by Swan Lake to check out the birds there. I ended up spending a half an hour or so watching birds, taking pictures and trying to avoid the hail by sitting under a tree. This evening there … Read more