20 February Photos: Little Things
Much of the snow from earlier in the month is gone now, so I decided to look for some small things to do some macro photography. I found a little black cup fungi, and a small bryophyte. All of these photos were taken with the Canon 65mm 1-5x macro lens and available light.
Lichen (Cladonia sp)
Last summer while coming down Verstovia in early July, I happened to catch some nice light at the first view point. There were some lichens that were illuminated in a manner that I found to be quite striking, so I stopped and took some pictures. As is my wont, I tried to figure out what … Read more
Crowberry (Empetrum nigrum)
Crowberry (Empetrum nigrum) is a common species that can be found from sealevel to lower alpine meadows. This species seems to do well in places where conditions are open and dry. Mostly I’ve noticed the plants growing in muskegs (on the hummocks) and lower alpine meadows, but I’ve also seen them growing on moss covered … Read more