Winter Rufous Hummingbird

Today’s outdoor highlight was getting photos of what sounds like it may be only the second winter record of a Rufous Hummingbird in Alaska (and the first that has made it into the new year). Cindy and Gary have been hosting one for some time, and they were gracious enough to let me come and … Read more

Old Airport Road Birds

I spent some time out along old airport road today looking for birds. The sun was out and it was a little chilly, but not too bad. Some nice birds were around including 11 Bohemian Waxwings and a Downy Woodpecker, but the highlight was an immature Chipping Sparrow. When I first saw the Chipping Sparrow … Read more

Purple Finch

This afternoon my kids were checking on a Biorka Street yard that has been hosting Bohemian Waxwings regularly when they noticed a bird that looked unusual to them. Connor was able to get a couple of shots before it flew out of sight behind a house. Rowan watched for it while Connor ran back home … Read more

Brown Booby Final Update

Brown Booby at Alaska Raptor Center just before shipping out (Photo by Jen Cedarleaf)) Many folks had commented or e-mailed that they enjoyed hearing about the Brown Booby and wanted to know what happened with it, so I thought I would post one final update. Jen Cedarleaf said the bird was sent south to an … Read more

More Mountain Bluebird

As is so often the case with unusual birds, after getting pictures the first time and being excited to have them, I found myself thinking it would be nice to try to get better ones. Perhaps with better light, closer, or in a better position (ideally all three!). I did not know if the bird … Read more

Mountain Bluebird

Yesterday I got a report with some photos of an unusual bird with a blue rump out along the old airport road. It was not especially cooperative, but the photos were strongly suggestive of Mountain Bluebird (at least to people who were familiar with that species, which I wasn’t so much at that time). I … Read more