Late Winter Birding

We decided to do some birding today and spent time at Totem Park as well as Starrigavan. Highlights included Black Oystercatchers and watching an American Dipper foraging at Totem Park. At Starrigavan the tide was fairly high, and a small group of Surf Scoters was pretty close to the road, allowing for pretty good views … Read more

Pictures from the Park

Connor, Rowan, and I walked down to the park this morning. Highlights included watching a dipper forage along the river’s edge at close range, and the attention of an otter that seemed a little curious about us as we were watching the dipper. Click any image to see it larger with a caption

Northern Shoveler

It was a bit of a surprise to see a Northern Shoveler at Swan Lake today. It may be that two or three are in the area each winter, but they are not seen in most years along the road system. Although the lake was entirely frozen (with people skating on it), I imagine this … Read more

Starrigavan (Bay Side)

Most of today’s pictures came from a trip to Starrigavan. Connor and Rowan lost track of me and went out Mosquito Cove Trail on their own. I wasn’t feeling that well, so was content to sit in the sun on sunny point a little way down from the start of Mosquito Cove Trail.

Starrigavan and SeaMart

For our outing today, we went around Mosquito Cove Trail (counter clockwise direction) and then did the Estuary Life Trail loop. On the way back into town, Rowan pointed out an interesting looking cloud formation and while stopped at SeaMart parking lot to look at those, we were able to observe a Horned Grebe closer … Read more