Return of the Gulls
Long line season opened over the weekend and boats have started to deliver their catch. Hundreds of gulls gathered in the channel to feed on the scraps pumped out by the processing plants.
On a Lifelong Journey to Learn my Place
Long line season opened over the weekend and boats have started to deliver their catch. Hundreds of gulls gathered in the channel to feed on the scraps pumped out by the processing plants.
The gulls are on the move. While it’s possible that they are just moving locally, starting to gather in greater numbers along the shores road system where I can more easily observe them, I kind of suspect some of them are also coming from further south. Long-line season starts this weekend, so by next week … Read more
I took a walk with the kids to Totem Park this morning. My original thought was to see if I could get some video of dippers foraging, but as it turned out there I did not see any dippers. Instead I spent more time taking pictures of oystercatchers and crows out on the tide flats. … Read more
As I was walking home this evening, I was once again struck by the view to the east from the town side of O’Connell Bridge. Across the outer part of Crescent Bay, the tide flats and forested lowlands of Indian River, Bear Mountain rising behind the downward rolling slopes of Verstovia. In the further distance, … Read more
Walking through Totem Park this morning, I noticed that Indian River is quite low. I guess I’ve not paid close enough attention to say if it’s as low as I have ever seen it (it’s not quite as eye catching as the high water events), but it must be close. I’m a little surprised there … Read more
Although it was my turn to pick where we would hike today, I offered to trade days with Rowan since I was not feeling up to doing anything very long on this sunny Saturday. She prefers shorter outings with less walking, so I figured she would opt for something along those lines. Perhaps thinking that … Read more