Documenting Striations

I recently set up some pages and forms to document glacial striations around Sitka. It’s a project suggested by Jim Baichtal, a geologist for the forest service, while he was in town recently. The main intent is to document striations on islands in and around Sitka Sound to get a better sense the direction of … Read more

Changing Weather

Today’s weather was getting to be like people sometimes refer to as herring weather. Perhaps more strictly we would have needed to see more rain in the mix, as today was just mostly graupel and little bits of snow falling in sometimes heavy showers. Between showers the sun would shine, and throughout it all there … Read more

Swan Lake

I spent much of the morning talking to Bob Armstrong, including recording a conversation for a future radio show. After class at the middle school I stopped by Swan Lake to check out the gulls and the ice. I also saw there were at least 8 Ring-necked Ducks, up from the 2 I saw on … Read more

Ring-necked Ducks

A couple of male Ring-necked Ducks were back on Swan Lake today utilizing the bit of water around the edge. I couldn’t tell for sure where they were, but much of the apparently open water around the lake had ice underneath it still frozen into the mud and/or vegetation. There were also quite a few … Read more