Spring Songs and Insects

I enjoyed the usual early spring birds songs emanating from the forest on a walk through the park this morning. There was the buzzing notes of Varied Thrush, rapid fire bursts from Pacific Wrens, short but acrobatic melodies of Ruby-crowned Kinglets, and the falling song of Golden-crowned Kinglets. The tide was up relatively high, and … Read more

Windy Day

I woke up this morning hearing the wind blow through the trees. It was only intermittently gusty at the house, but when I was down near the water a couple of different times during the day, I saw that it was a pretty steady strong breeze raising white caps. I was also struck by the … Read more

First of Season Shorebirds

Shorebirds have been showing up over the past few days, but today was the first time I got good looks at any that aren’t typically seen over wintering in the area. There was a single Black-bellied Plover (though 3 were reported yesterday, I didn’t get a chance to see them), a couple of Dunlin, and … Read more