Marbled Murrelet

Marbled Murrelets are one of the most common birds on the water here in Southeast Alaska. They are common enough that despite paying little attention to birds when I was young, I still was aware of them (though I never bothered to learn their names at the time). Sometimes I see them skipping across the … Read more

Sitka Singers: Sparrows

My second post in the series about singing birds around Sitka is on the sparrows. (previously I wrote about Thrushes). There are only four commonly breeding sparrows known from the Sitka area. There are some additional species that migrate through and may be heard singing during a brief window of time in spring, but I’ll … Read more

Lepidoptera Pupa

While on a recent walk around an Indian River valley muskeg, Rowan and I noticed a pupa in a scuff mark along the trail. I thought maybe it had overwintered in the ground and just been turned up by whatever made the mark, but further examination over the next couple of days made me decide … Read more

Walk around Town

It being Wednesday, I walked down to the Backdoor to have a burrito for lunch. On the way, I was able to get decent looks at a Yellow Warbler singing while foraging in the large willow tree just down the street. Upon finishing lunch, I decided to go up Observatory and down through the edge … Read more