Bird Notes

I heard the varied thrush song for the first time this year while walking to work this morning. I’ve noticed that the number of birds singing have increased dramatically over the last couple of weeks. Unfortunately, at this point I do not know most birds by their song, so with a couple of exceptions, I … Read more


When I was at Indian River yesterday, I stopped to watch a dipper sing. It sat on a rock in the middle of the river at the top of a short rapid. After it finished singing, it flew upstream a short distance to an alder tree that had fallen into the river. It would dive … Read more


The birds seem to be getting more vocal. When I went outside this morning to investigate budding plants, I noticed more bird singing than I have heard in the mornings recently. In particular I saw and heard two different winter wrens. I did not hear the full song, but they did seem to be calling … Read more

Varied Thrush

Somewhat similar in form and coloring to their relative the robin, the varied thrushes spend the winter quietly foraging in the forest. My observations so far are that they seem to travel mostly in small groups of 3-6, although on occasion I have seen larger flocks. I most commonly see them flying on or near … Read more

Flume Fish

A few days ago Melissa, Connor, and I walked along the flume during a morning stroll. I noticed there were fish swimming about that looked like they were about 6-10 inches long. This seems large for salmon fry, so I wonder if they were salmon that did not migrate to the ocean or maybe trout.