Herring Season

The herring fleet has been on two hour notice for the last couple of days. The herring sac roe fishery is often not more than a couple of hours. From first light, spotters are flying small aircraft looking for the large schools of herring. Seiners go out to various place in order to make test … Read more

Bird Notes

I woke up to the winter wrens singing before 6am. The birds are definitely getting more vocal. Connor and I went for a walk and made it down to the beach before 7am. While we were there, I got some video of a kingfisher as it was fishing off of the pilings near the hatchery. … Read more

Bird Song

I heard a particular bird song several times this morning. I did not know the species of bird, so this evening I listened to my Bird Songs of Alaska CDs to see if I could find the song. It sounded like one of three different birds, dark-eyed junco, chipping sparrow or orange-crowned warbler. The orange-crowned … Read more

More on Birds

I went out this afternoon with the intention of looking for kinglets where I saw them yesterday. However, before I made it down to the lower edge of the trees, I stopped to sit in the sun out of the wind and listen to the birds for a while. There was fairly constant bird noise … Read more

Bird Notes

Despite the cold air, the birds seem to be pretty active today. I heard many singing in the trees near the drive. I also heard a woodpecker drilling on a tree in the backyard. After waiting and watching for a little bit, I saw it fly off to some other trees, but it was too … Read more

Bird Notes

I went down to the breakwater today and went to the corner across from the hatchery. A couple of mergansers that had been there swam off over near the far shore on the other side of the hatchery when they saw me. I sat and waited for some time, hoping they might come back to … Read more