Herring Eggs
Melissa, Connor and I took advantage of the warm weather yesterday and went for a little picnic lunch at Halibut Point Rec. As we pulled in to the Sea Mart parking lot, we noticed a large number of gulls along the shore in front of Pioneer Park. I guessed that there were probably still herring … Read more
Dolly Varden
People have been catching dolly varden down in front of Totem Park recently. I am not sure where dolly varden spend most of their time, but they do show up hear shore each spring to eat salmon fry leaving the rivers. The hatchery manager at SJ says that he will not be releasing salmon fry … Read more
I saw a humming bird in a blueberry bush outside the window this morning. It’s the first one I have seen this year. We bought a humming bird feeder, but we have not put it up yet. Hopefully when we get it set up in front of our window, we’ll be able to see them … Read more
The paper last night mentioned that someone had called in a report of a bear getting into garbage. That’s the first sighting of a bear around town this year, so perhaps they are just starting to wake up from hibernation.
Beaver Lake Dipper
Connor and I hiked up to Beaver Lake today. Most of the lake still had a layer of ice on it, but there was open water along the edges. While we were there, I heard a dipper singing. I did not see it, but it sounded like it was coming from near the outlet stream. … Read more