Snapping/Jumping Beetle

Melissa noticed some sort of beetle that was in our house and asked me to get it. When I picked it up, it made a snapping noise and I could feel it making a folding type motion. When I tossed it outside, it landed on its back and then it snapped. It popped three or … Read more


I have heard a number of new (for me) birds in the last Month since I posted the bird list. Four I have managed to identify are: Hermit Thrush, Swainson’s Thrush, Tree Swallow, and American Widgeon. In addition, I have heard a number of other bird singing which I have not been able to identify.


While sitting near Indian River yesterday, a kingfisher came along. Most of the time I have seen kingfishers they have been perched on a piling or branch above the water and from there they dive into the water to catch fish. The one I saw yesterday did this, but also, as it was flying along … Read more


A bear was killed along a popular hiking trail near town yesterday. According to the paper, it was a healthy three year old male. It had taken and killed a dog and then false charged the owner when he went back to look for his missing dog. He called the police and they, along with … Read more

Brave Merganser

While down at the park today, Connor and I saw a female common merganser that seemed to be exceptionally tolerant of our presence. There were a total of three mergansers on the gravel bar when Connor and I arrived at the river’s edge. At first I only noticed a pair of mergansers that was on … Read more

Birds Seen or Heard so far in 2003

The other night I decided to try and come up with all of the different birds I have seen or heard so far this year that I could identify with relative certainty. I was able to come up with 26 different birds. I know that I have seen (and probably heard) more, but I am … Read more