Mountain Ice and Yard Birds

I considered going back out to look at the landslide again this afternoon, but ultimately decided to just take care of some errands and then go home. While running the errands, I noticed conditions seemed better for seeing the exposed alpine glaciers/ice than they had been earlier in the week, (though looking back at those … Read more

Morning Birding, Evening Talk

With the strong winds of last night, I thought it might be fruitful to go out to Starrigavan and look around for birds. We didn’t end up getting started as soon as I might have liked and only ended up having time to walk around the Estuary Life trail. Several Song Sparrows and Lincoln’s Sparrows … Read more

Mosquito Cove

With a pretty good fall gale forecast to arrive tomorrow, this seemed like it might be the last opportunity for the year to get out in conditions approaching summer (~60F and sunny). Rowan suggested we go out to Mosquito Cove, so around mid-morning we drove out (on the much improved road) to the trailhead. It … Read more

Toads around Town

When I was growing up during the early and mid-80s, I remember finding toads from time to time. They were commonly found at the upper end of Swan Lake (by where there was a playground at the far side of the Moller park track), also in muskegs, and sometimes even just squished on the road. … Read more

Golden-crowned Kinglet

Most years Golden-crowned Kinglets are common in the coniferous forests around Sitka. Despite their small size, they manage to find enough enough to keep warm through the long chilly nights of winter. During the day they often seem to forage in loose flocks with chickadees and Brown Creepers. Assuming you can hear the high pitched … Read more