Daily Observations

Weather: Winds were out of the north today. By the afternoon there was a fairly steady breeze. Partly cloudy skies with big cumulus clouds hanging over many of the mountains. It appeared that many of the clouds dropped precipitation over the mountains, but it stayed sunny in town. Flora: Red alder catkins appear to be … Read more

Morning Observations

Winter Wren Singing (mp3) The day dawned clear and cool. There was frost on the ground and very little breeze; what there was came out of the North and was enough to cause my exhaled breath to drift, but even the lightest branches were not moving discernably. The Northern Flicker was back this morning before … Read more

Daily Notes

It is definitely harder to get out and see what’s going on with school in session. It did not help this morning that I was feeling like I might be getting sick. I woke up around 6:30am and stayed awake until about 7am, but decided it would be better to go back to sleep to … Read more

Daily Observations

Today was one of those days that seemed very subdued. I heard few birds calling this morning when I woke up, and the birds I did hear sounded far away. I got ready for class a little early and spent a few minutes walking around by the flume and behind Yaw building. I heard a … Read more

Afternoon Walk

Crows Today was a day to get ready for the resumption of classes tomorrow (I’m not sure how regularly I will be able to post when classes are going, but I’ll try for at least once a day). This afternoon I needed to go to my office, so I decided to take a little bit … Read more