Daily Observations

I’ve been busy today working to catch up on the Winter/Spring 2006 of my photojournal. Was able to get six weeks worth of images put up, but did not spend too much time outside. Weather: Mostly clear throughout the day. There was a light breeze, but not as much as the last couple of days. … Read more

Daily Observations

Weather: It was sunny throughout the day with a pretty good breeze blowing from the west that came up in the afternoon and blew through the evening. Birds: Just after noon I heard some geese honking from inside the house. I went outside and was able to spot a flock of 30 or so geese … Read more

Daily Observations

Weather: There was a layer of low-level clouds early that cleared off by mid-morning. Fog remained off-shore of town, though it partially encircled Mt. Edgecumbe. There was a pretty good breeze blowing this evening. Birds: I was awakened by a bird calling just outside my window. It was a call that seemed vaguely familliar, but … Read more

Dragonfly Emergence

(Concerning events from 7 June Hike) Four Spotted Skimmer Perhaps it was because of the weather. The muskeg was bathed in the warm sunlight. It was the first full sun this area had seen in over a week. I noticed a black and yellow dragonfly and saw it land not too far from me, so … Read more