Recent Observations

It’s been a fairly busy week. I’m (still) working on getting my home office cleaned/organized, and that is part of the reason I have not updated so much recently. I also recently was hired by Allen Marine, a local tour company, to be a naturalist. Although I do not feel exceptionally qualified for the job, … Read more

Daily Observations

Weather: It was overcast through much of the day with some rain. This evening the clouds broke a little bit and let the sun shine through for a half hour or so before sunset. Winds were light. Birds: A number of birds were singing throughout the day around the house. Of particular note was a … Read more

Recent Observations

I have been trying to get things organized around the house lately, so have spent little time outside. I was able to get out on an Allen Marine tour Tuesday evening, and saw some interesting things (the photos are from that trip). Weather: Weather has been overcast with periods of rain. Highs have been in … Read more

Daily Observations

Weather: Overcast throughout the day with periods of rain. Not much wind to speak of around the neighborhood. Birds: I saw a family of chickadees out foraging in the large black cottonwood trees in the Lincoln Street greenbelt across from Pacific High School, this evening. They were up fairly high, so I did not get … Read more

Recent Observations

Weather: It has been overcast with some rain over the last couple of days. There has been a little breeze, but not much. Each day has seen a brief period of sun, usually in the evening. Birds: Hermit and Swainson’s Thrushes are still singing frequently. I hear American Robins and Winter Wrens as well. I … Read more