Chestnut-backed Chickadee in Pine

Today was quite full, with nearly non-stop activities of various types from 8am until almost 10pm. While on a call late this morning, I noticed several chickadees foraging in the large shore pine tree (Pinus contorta) outside my house. Although I didn’t get a picture of it, I was interested to see a chickadee working … Read more

Crabapples and Crows

A few days ago I noticed some crows perched in a crabapple (Malus fusca) loaded with fruit. They seemed fairly unconcerned with me, so I was able to watch and photograph as they pulled off the small fruits to eat. The native pacific crabapple fruits are small -about the size of the end of my … Read more

Rusty Blackbird

Yesterday I received a call from Stan about a different looking bird that had visited his driveway on Lakeview Drive late that morning (before being chased off by Steller’s Jays) as well as around the same time the day before. He thought it might be a Rusty Blackbird, but wasn’t absolutely sure. Rusty Blackbirds are … Read more

Fall Birding

Today’s highlight was seeing a Rusty Blackbird after getting a report that it had been around a local neighborhood yesterday and today. It’s only the third one I’ve seen here (that I can recall), and the first since November 2008. There are still lots of Ring-necked Ducks on Swan Lake, but I didn’t see the … Read more

Migrating Geese

Yesterday as the sun was dropping low in the sky, I noticed a flock of geese flying south. I often try to guess how many are in a flock and then actually count to see. Sometimes, especially with distant birds like these were, it’s easier to take a picture and count when I get home. … Read more