Brave Merganser

While down at the park today, Connor and I saw a female common merganser that seemed to be exceptionally tolerant of our presence. There were a total of three mergansers on the gravel bar when Connor and I arrived at the river’s edge. At first I only noticed a pair of mergansers that was on … Read more

Birds Seen or Heard so far in 2003

The other night I decided to try and come up with all of the different birds I have seen or heard so far this year that I could identify with relative certainty. I was able to come up with 26 different birds. I know that I have seen (and probably heard) more, but I am … Read more

Winter Wrens

The winter wrens have a pretty loud voice for such a small bird. Their song is pretty long and complex sounding. I recorded one singing in front of the house the other day and have put up an audio file of it singing.

Birds of Southeast Alaska

Last night Melissa helped me go through my copy of the Guide to the Birds of Alaska to look for birds that occur in Southeast. I was somewhat surprised to find that there were in the neighborhood of 300 species that have been seen in Southeast. Many of these are only casual (which I believe … Read more


When Connor and I arrived down at the beach near the hatchery this evening, we saw an eagle perched on the tallest piling. On another piling nearby, there was a kingfisher. I thought it might be interesting to get a picture that included both birds, but as I approached, the eagle flew away. As soon … Read more

Herring Eggs

Melissa, Connor and I took advantage of the warm weather yesterday and went for a little picnic lunch at Halibut Point Rec. As we pulled in to the Sea Mart parking lot, we noticed a large number of gulls along the shore in front of Pioneer Park. I guessed that there were probably still herring … Read more