Late Summer Birds

It seemed like for most of the summer the small song birds were fairly quiet around the neighborhood. I have noticed that in the last couple of weeks I am hearing more calls from these birds again. My brother suggested that perhaps they were quiet while raising young and now they are out and about … Read more

Recent Observations

I have noticed that the crows seem to have become especially active around our neighborhood lately. I’m not sure what they are doing, though. The black cottonwood trees are releasing their cotton now. I did not think they were native to the island, but according to the reference books I have, they are. So far, … Read more

Red-breasted Sapsucker Nests

While hiking to Indian River Falls and back yesterday, I learned what a red breasted sapsucker nest sounds like. On the way up, I had heard what I thought might be young birds begging for food, but I could not seem to locate where the sound was coming from and after a couple of minutes … Read more

Winter Wren Activities

Last Sunday I was on my way to the beach when I got distracted by the sound of some birds that turned out to be winter wrens. There were at least two birds, but one in particular was quite active chipping and occasionally singing the distinctive winter wren song. As I sat watching and listening, … Read more


I have heard a number of new (for me) birds in the last Month since I posted the bird list. Four I have managed to identify are: Hermit Thrush, Swainson’s Thrush, Tree Swallow, and American Widgeon. In addition, I have heard a number of other bird singing which I have not been able to identify.


While sitting near Indian River yesterday, a kingfisher came along. Most of the time I have seen kingfishers they have been perched on a piling or branch above the water and from there they dive into the water to catch fish. The one I saw yesterday did this, but also, as it was flying along … Read more