Daily Observations

I spent about 4 very soggy hours down at Totem Park taking pictures. My intention was to take pictures of hummingbirds in the fireweed and shorebirds at high tide along the beach between the river and the battle site bench, but I ended up spending a fair amount of time trying to find what shelter … Read more

Recent Observations

Flora: Many umbels are blooming, as are the fireweed and yarrow.  Most other plants are pretty much done blooming. The red huckleberries are ripe, though they are not all that abundant. The deer heart are starting to die back. I saw some ripe raspberries on Etolin Street.  We have one raspberry getting ripe in the backyard. … Read more

Daily Observations

I had one tour this morning and went for a walk to Totem Park this evening.  The tour was a Captain’s Choice, and we stopped at the Nadezhda Islands in Krestof Sound and returned through Nawkwasina Passage. Weather:  Overcast with some light rain.  This evening there were a few breaks in the clouds, but I … Read more

Daily Observations

I had two tours today with Allen Marine.  Both of them were Sea Otter and Wildlife Quest tours, so we did not have any beach walks. Weather:  It was overcast this morning, with some partial clearing in the afternoon.  Winds seemed to be pretty calm.  On the way back in to Jamestown Bay after the … Read more

Daily Observations

Weather:  Overcast with rain. Birds:  This morning I saw a hummingbird at the foxglove flowers in the back yard.  It hung around for awhile, but seemed to be camera shy and disappeared shortly after I went out to try and get a picture. Later in the day I saw a woodpecker (Hairy or Downy) in … Read more

Daily Observations

After spending the better part of the day inside, I left for a walk in the late afternoon.  I went up to Indian River near the trail head then followed the river down to Totem Park.  The water was fairly high, so I could not walk the river, but I did try to stay near it. Weather:  There were only a couple of brief rain showers … Read more