Daily Observations

Grades were due today and I spent a fair amount of time in my office working on them and trying to get it re-organized and cleaned up. This afternoon there was a break in the clouds, so I decided to go for a short walk down to Totem Park. Weather: It was another windy day. … Read more

Recent Observations

School and working on a Sitka vascular plant list has been keeping me pretty occupied the last few days. It’s been stormy for two or three days now. Monday (when the photo was taken) there were breaks between squalls, with occasional thunder and lightning. Tuesday there were heavy clouds all day, and it seemed fairly … Read more

Daily Observations

The end of the semester tends to be a busy time and this semester has been no exception. In addition to the normal end of the term tasks that need to be done, I decided it was time to put together a vascular plant list for the Sitka area. I have completed a first draft … Read more

Recent Observations

I’ve not been getting out too much the last few days, but yesterday Melissa rented a car and we went for a drive out to Starrigavan. Weather: It has mostly been cloudy, though the sun shines through occasionally. Temperatures have been in the mid-30s to mid-40s. Snow levels have dropped as low as 1800 feet … Read more

Daily Observations

Weather I left the house this morning around 8 o’clock to mostly clear skies, but the sun still had not made it above the mountains to the southeast. Although the air was above freezing (it actually felt fairly warm), there was ice on the ground. As the day went on, the clouds slowly moved in … Read more