Equinox Outing


Partly cloudy this morning, becoming overcast. Light to moderate winds. Temperatures into the 40s. The weather for spring equinox was pleasant. In fact, I was surprised how sunny it was this morning. The timing worked out for me, since I did my regular walk and talk with my parents. I took a moderate pace up … Read more

Herring Cove Creek and Sunset Clouds

Sunset Cloudscapes

Overcast to mostly cloudy. Moderately windy, especially earlier in the day. Temperatures in the 40s. The wind picked up late last night and was gusty through much of the night. It looks like rain mostly held off except for a couple of hours this morning. I have a project I need to finish this week. … Read more

Returning Gulls

Mt. Edgecumbe

Overcast. Enough snow fell overnight for the ground to be white, but without any real depth. Temperatures in the 40s. Precipitation mostly held off during the day. Light winds. I didn’t do too much outside today. On a walk to the store this morning, I noticed several robins active. One was plucking some of last … Read more

Snow Returns

Verstovia Trail

Snow showers early, with mixed rain and snow later. Light to moderate winds. Temperatures from near freezing to the upper 30s. What snow stuck this morning had mostly melted off by the afternoon. Despite the snow, I went for a walk up Verstovia during my call this morning. A thin layer of snow covered the … Read more

March Birds

Hooded Mergansers

Clear skies becoming partly cloudy later in the day. Freezing overnight with temperatures into the upper 30s during the day. Light to moderate wind, mostly out of the northwest. The forecast is calling for snow overnight with rain and snow through the week. In some years we’ve had much colder temperatures during March clear spells … Read more

Swan Lake Birds and Lichens

Hooded Merganser

Clear skies. Freezing overnight temperatures rising to 40F this afternoon. Light to moderate winds. A text message from LP letting me know the Hooded Mergansers were at the peninsula prompted me to walk down to the lake around mid morning. I didn’t spot them at first, but they noticed me. The male popped his head … Read more