Sitka Nature Show #337 – Zach LaPerriere

Cedar Cluster

Download Radio Show The March 23rd show featured a conversation with returning guest Zach LaPerriere. He shared about the process of selecting, permitting and cutting a standing dead cedar that he recently harvested to use for building benches. We also spoke more generally about cedars and some of the remarkable ones we’ve observed during our … Read more

Totem Park Wildlife

Overcast with a little bit of rain, but not as much as I might have guessed from the forecast. Looking at the radar imagery, it appeared to be falling more heavily elsewhere in the general area. Breezy out of the southeast. I went to Totem Park this morning around 9:30am. The tide was falling from … Read more

Warming Tempratures (Still Gray)

A bit breezy, some rain and mid-40s. Snow level rose above 2500 ft. We probably are now past mountain snow maximum for the year. As I’ve been noticing since the herring spawned, many ravens were out on the beach and others throughout the forest were quite vocal. I spent a few minutes recording some of their calls today.

Late Night Mystery Call

Download Mystery Call Around 2:45am today while I was out photographing a timelapse of noctilucent clouds, I heard a bird song that I did not recognize. Although I heard it sing twice. In a perhaps unrelated event, shortly afterwards, I saw a bird that gave me the impression of a shorebird (perhaps snipe-sized, but less … Read more

Neighborhood Blackbird

Download Clip This morning I took a little time to check things out at Starrigavan. I didn’t spend much time looking, but did see a flock of shorebirds out on the flats near the water (the tide was out pretty far with a -1 tide predicted for this morning). I came back in and took … Read more

Anna’s Hummingbirds

Late October Anna’s Hummingbird silhouetted against a bright sky For over a year now, Anna’s Hummingbirds seem to have been continuously present in at least some Sitka neighborhoods. They are easier to overlook when plenty of Rufous Hummingbirds are keeping the feeders busy, but as the more abundant species returns south, it becomes clear that … Read more