Common Yellowthroat

Download Common Yellowthroat Song I heard an unfamiliar bird singing down at Swan Lake today, that I thought might be a Common Yellowthroat. I was able to get a recording and photo to confirm. Although this species has been reported in Sitka several times during migration, it is not seen most years.

Mussel Shells

This year down at the park I’ve noticed a bunch of mussel (Mytilus trossulus) shells washed up with the seaweed. I do not remember seeing so many in previous years. Apart from the ever present possibilities that I just didn’t pay enough attention or have forgotten what I did notice, I’m wondering if perhaps the … Read more

Snow on Verstovia

Yesterday evening when I was headed home from checking for shorebirds at the park, the clouds lifted a bit and I saw the snow level had dropped to under 1000 feet, which is pretty low for this time of year. Still, the shorebirds are moving and I like to see what comes through, so I … Read more