Walk to Totem Park

When I went to bed last night I had been considering showing some sort of ambition and going for a decent walk this morning – maybe up Indian River, or perhaps Harbor Mountain Road. However, when I woke to a heavy marine layer, I found myself feeling decidedly less motivated. It might have stayed this … Read more

Morning Birds, Evening Yard Work

Two Marbled Godwits – the one in the foreground is distinctly paler than the more typically colored one in the background I got up relatively early (at least compared to my recent rise times) and biked over to the Turnaround in hopes of seeing the godwits that had been reported there. I got a report … Read more

Park Walks

Scurvygrass (Cochlearia groenlandica) in bloom at Magic Island Today was book-ended by walks at local parks. This morning was a walk around Totem Park, and this evening Halibut Point Rec (a state park). Overall, it was an overcast, but not chilly, day. On my way to Totem Park I had a chance to observe a … Read more

Swan Lake Observations

I opted to stay home and try to catch up on collections and photos rather than head down to the park during my limited time. I did stop at Swan Lake for a little while this afternoon. The 30+ Greater White-fronted Geese are still there. Having cropped down the grass and sedges they can reach … Read more