Sunrise and Mosses at Sawmill Cove

Silver Bay and Lucky Chance

Mostly cloudy to overcast. Some rain in the afternoon. I was at Sawmill Cove before 8am. I decided to watch from near the mouth of Sawmill Creek to start the day. The sunrise did create some color in the sky, which I enjoyed watching change over the 30 minutes or so before the sun was … Read more

Full Day

Forest and Clouds

Mostly sunny, becoming overcast late in the day. Frosty morning, with temperatures into the upper 30s. Calm winds. I had late notice last night of an early morning today. I was out at Sawmill Cove shortly before 8am. Broken low clouds skirted the mountain slopes, but clear skies held on up high. I could see … Read more

Fog and Snow at Silver Bay

Snow on Water

Low clouds with rain becoming snow during the day. Fog at times (in Silver Bay) with calm winds. I wasn’t due out to Sawmill Cove until noon, so opted to have a leisurely morning. On the drive out, snow was mixing in with the rain. Upon arrival, visibility was pretty good, but that didn’t last … Read more

Slowing Down at Sawmill Cove

Pacific Loons

Cloudy with occasional showers (including some graupel/hail at times). Moderate to light winds. Temperatures in the 40s. I was grateful that observing didn’t start until noon today. Bird numbers in the cove continue to be lower relative to a month ago. I’m guessing the herring have moved out again. An exception has been Surf Scoters … Read more

Varying Clouds over Silver Bay

Mid-morning Clouds at Silver Bay

Overcast and calm this morning. Becoming breezy with rain starting in the afternoon. Heavy rain this evening and temperatures up to 50F or so. With overcast skies, the 8am start was dim. I felt a little disoriented when I first started standing on the dock. It took me a few minutes to realize the dock … Read more

More Sawmill Cove Monitoring

Pelagic Cormorant

Partly cloudy early. Clouds building in the afternoon, with rain and wind developing as darkness fell. Heavy rain and gusty wind this evening. Temperatures in the 30s early and the 40s later. Today I was back to work. Due to start observing at 8am, it was an early start relative to my recent schedule. I … Read more