New Growth
The beach grass appears to be sending up new shoots. I also noticed that the alder leaves are starting to open up on the tree in the neighbor’s yard.
On a Lifelong Journey to Learn my Place
The beach grass appears to be sending up new shoots. I also noticed that the alder leaves are starting to open up on the tree in the neighbor’s yard.
It has been a mild winter here this year. There has only been one signficant (>1 inch) snowfall in town so far. On only a few days has the snow level dropped below 2700 feet (estimated by observing the fresh snow on the mountains). Despite this atypical warmth, it has still felt like winter. Part … Read more
These photos were originally posted on my old site. If I ever started writing a journal entry, it has been lost to time. I have kept the captions in the gallery as I originally wrote them. I’ve added captions on the photos I’ve included inline to support what’s written here, which is a summary of … Read more
[originally written in a paper journal, subsequently published on my older site.] Went to Medvejie with dad and Uncle Andy today. Got a ride out with some hatchery workers in the morning. By the time we got to the lake, the sun was just getting into the bottom of the valley as it rose above … Read more
[originally written in a paper journal, subsequently published on my older site.] Jonathan and I went up Verstovia. It was the first time I had ever gone up to the main (3300+ feet) peak. the sun was shining brightly which ended up causing slight sunburn for both of us. It was nice that there was … Read more
[originally written in a paper journal, subsequently published on my older site.] The weather was sunny and warm and Jonathan, Christine, and I hiked out from Herring Cove to Medvejie Lake. Upon reaching the lake, we saw Dan Evans preparing to take the canoe to the other end of the lake. He had apparently intended … Read more