matt goff
Sunny Weather
When you live in a place like Sitka, you learn to take advantage of warm sunny weather when it presents itself. On the rare occasions when there is a relatively long stretch of such weather, this can result in getting far behind in the things that need to be done. This has happened to me … Read more
Brave Merganser
While down at the park today, Connor and I saw a female common merganser that seemed to be exceptionally tolerant of our presence. There were a total of three mergansers on the gravel bar when Connor and I arrived at the river’s edge. At first I only noticed a pair of mergansers that was on … Read more
Birds Seen or Heard so far in 2003
The other night I decided to try and come up with all of the different birds I have seen or heard so far this year that I could identify with relative certainty. I was able to come up with 26 different birds. I know that I have seen (and probably heard) more, but I am … Read more
Spring Green
Plants sure seem to be liking the warm sunny weather of the last few days. The dearheart heart have really opened up, covering the forest floor in green. It looks like the black lilies are about to bloom near the beach. Twisted stalk have grown to a height of at least 10 cm when I … Read more
Disappearing Snow
Although Mt. Edgecumbe looked like it had a fair covering of snow for most of the winter, the last few days of warm weather have shown how little depth there actually was. My recollection is that in most years there is snow completely covering most of the mountain above timberline well into the late spring … Read more