Sitting on the Dock in the Bay

Clouds over ANB Harbor

Showers, very heavy at times. Breezy, though less so than yesterday. Temperatures in the 40s. I was on a call this morning when I noticed it absolutely pouring outside. The precipitation included rain and graupel/sleet/hail. I’m not sure which exactly, but definitely some form of frozen water. I didn’t get out until this afternoon. I … Read more

Indoor Work, Outdoor Observations

Odontoschisma denudatum stained with Methyl Blue

Rain and heavy clouds early, becoming mostly cloudy with some sun during the afternoon. Calm winds, temperatures in the 40s. This morning I focused on trying to figure out how to set up an order page for my calendars. I wanted it to be able to include a charge for shipping, ideally only for orders … Read more

Watching for Water Birds

Common Loon

Heavy clouds, rain and wind. Temperatures warming to around 50F. I went out for a drive this afternoon. Once again, Silver Bay was calmer than Crescent Bay. That’s been a pattern this fall. Perhaps it’s normal (I suspect it is), but I don’t remember noticing it so consistently before. I didn’t see many birds on … Read more

Rest Day

Fresh Snow on the Middle Sister

Showery weather, with a little bit more sun today than yesterday. Temperatures in the low 40s. The snow level appeared to be down to around 2000 feet or so. I didn’t spend much time out today, but did take pictures of gulls at the channel and gulls and ducks at Swan Lake. Among the gulls … Read more

WhaleFest Cruise

Humpback Whale

Cloudy, with heavier clouds associated with showers. A very minor break or two allowed a touch of sun through. Temperatures in the 40s. I was invited to be a naturalist on the WhaleFest cruise this morning, so headed down to the harbor shortly after 8am. Conditions weren’t great for getting out on the sound. After … Read more

Sitka Nature Show #327 – Matt Bracken (encore)

Barnacles and Mussels

Featuring a conversation with Matt Bracken, Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the University of California Irvine. Matt grew up in Petersburg, Alaska and has been returning to Southeast Alaska each summer for the past decade to continue studies investigating marine biodiversity and ecological resilience, especially in the intertidal zones.