Old Sitka Section of Cross Trail

Resting on the Marge and Tedin Memorial Bench

Overcast with occasional rain. Temperatures in the 40s. My dad had never been on the Old Sitka section of the cross trail, and was interested in seeing it. After a late-ish lunch, daylight was limited. Connor went along. This allowed us to take two vehicles, so we could just walk it as a one-way trip. … Read more

Pioneer Park Views

Mt. Edgecumbe

Partly cloudy with light winds and temperatures in the 40s. I went out for a drive this afternoon to look around. Most of the activity in the channel was down by ANB harbor, so I couldn’t see too much from the ramp. After driving out to the end of the open road on the Katlian … Read more

Bird and Wave Watching

Ring-necked Ducks

Partly cloudy to overcast. Quite windy, temperatures to 50F. Wind gusts were strong overnight and through the first half of the day. I woke up more than once hearing the wind blowing through the trees. When a large break in the clouds moved over this morning, I took that as cue to head out. I … Read more

Starrigavan Slugs and Fungi

Overcast at the Channel

Partly cloudy with sun early, becoming overcast late in the day. Light winds, temepratures in the 40s. This time of year it is easy for the daylight hours to get away from me, especially on days when I get off to a slow start (like today). With the sunset happening shortly after 4pm and relatively … Read more

Swan Lake and the Channel

Harbor Seal

Overcast with rain showers. Temperatures in the 40s. While out to run an errand this afternoon, I made brief stops at Swan Lake and the channel. Two coots were on the grass at the peninsula. It’s not too often I see them out of the water. Long-tailed Duck numbers are picking up in the channel, … Read more

Sitting on the Dock in the Bay

Clouds over ANB Harbor

Showers, very heavy at times. Breezy, though less so than yesterday. Temperatures in the 40s. I was on a call this morning when I noticed it absolutely pouring outside. The precipitation included rain and graupel/sleet/hail. I’m not sure which exactly, but definitely some form of frozen water. I didn’t get out until this afternoon. I … Read more