Estuary Life Birds

Trumpeter Swans

Overcast with light rain mixing with snow later in the day. Precipitation turned to snow later this evening. Temperatures in the 30s. Last night when I was outside, the just-past-full moon shown high in the sky. I could see the temperature must had dropped before the precipitation ended. Snow-covered trees reflected the moonlight along the … Read more

Sitka Nature Show #328 – David Jadhon

Shag-rug Nudibranch (Aeolidia papillosa)

Featuring a conversation with David Jadhon. David had previously visited Sitka for birding, but when this conversation was recorded he had come to search for nudibranchs. We spoke about birding and his burgeoning interest in marine invertebrates. He also shared some of his experiences working as a research assistant on Middleton Island studying the Black-legged Kittiwakes that nest there.

Another Starrigavan High Tide

Underwater Licorice Fern

Mostly cloudy with regular showers. Moderate winds and temperatures into the lower 40s. I went out to Starrigavan for high tide again today. The rain and was much diminished compared to yesterday, but the tide was distinctly higher. In addition to covering more of the low area close to the main road, parts of the … Read more

Starrigavan High Tide

High Tide at Starrigavan Creek

Heavy overcast with gusty wind and rain. Temperatures in the 40s. I headed out for the late morning high tide. Predicted at 12.5 feet, it was running near expected. At Nelson Logging Road, the water was distinctly higher than yesterday (though apparently not as high as at least one of the tides last month). It … Read more

High Tide at Starrigavan Estuary

Northern Shoveler

Mostly cloudy with a bit of sun late this morning. Light winds and temperatures in the low 40s. Snow was down on Gavan Hill along the whole ridge, perhaps to 1500 feet or so. Tides are high this week with the full moon. This morning’s tide was due to happen shortly before 11. I drove … Read more

Group Forest Walk

Long-tailed Ducks

Partly to mostly cloudy, with overnight lows near freezing rising to the 40s during the day. Calm winds. My dad was heading south on the late morning flight, so we were going to eat breakfast at the airport. When I went out shortly before 9am, I saw I had to scrape my car windows. It’s … Read more