Rainy Sunday

Raven Feathers

Overcast with light to moderate rain. Light winds, temperatures in the 40s. I did not spent much time outside, but did get out this afternoon. After picking up some food, I watched from the SEARHC overlook of the north end of the channel. I did see a Common Loon, but not much else. I drove … Read more

Sitka Nature Show #335 – Adam Haberski (encore)

Download Radio Show The February 23rd show featured a conversation with Adam Haberski. Originally recorded last February when he was working to complete his dissertation, we spoke about his research on a group of rove beetles present on sky islands in the southern Appalachian Mountains. We spoke about rove beetles (Staphylinidae), how what he’s learned … Read more

Surfbirds and More at Totem Park

Pale Surfbird

Overcast with rain. Breezy and temperatures in the lower 40s. Since I missed the Surfbirds at the park yesterday, I planned to check earlier to. My motivation to get going was stoked further when I checked the weather radar and saw a mass of rain appeared to be at the Pyramids and heading this way. … Read more

Returning Rain

Gray Day View

Heavy overcast with periods of rain. Moderate winds. Temperatures in the 40s. After a dry start to February, today will more than double the total for the month. As I write this late in the evening, the weather observations are showing we’ve seen over 0.4″ at the airport today. Prior to today, only three days … Read more

Riverside Observations

Indian River

Overcast to mostly cloudy, with some sun breaking through in the afternoon. Occasional rain, light winds. Temperatures in the 40s. Today’s outing was another neighborhood walk. Rowan told me she had seen stoneflies on the railing of the bridge over Indian River. That was enough to send me in that direction. I did not find … Read more